
Showing posts from August, 2016

Director Simon Stone on directing

"If Theatre could be half as good as HBO, we'd be hitting gold" Simon Stone in the Guardian. 

Margaret Webster

I just completed reading Margaret Webster: A Life in the Theater by Milly S. Barranger , I purchased it, along with Webster's own books Shakespeare without Tears  and her autobiography:  Don't Put your Daughter on the Stage after hearing about Webster's influential work as a woman director. I haven't read the other two yet, I thought I'd get a background before delving into Webster's own words, and I wasn't disappointed. The book is compelling, readable, and by the end I felt like I had such a picture of Webster's complex and beautiful life. As Barranger says on the final page, "The director's legacy, like the theater, is often dismissed sa ephemeral--as intangible form. Margaret Webster's legacy is lodged in the accomplishment of a pioneering artist, defying time in the work of those artists, especially women, who follow knowingly or otherwise in her footprints." I discovered in this book a connection which made me feel both an und