Thinking about empathy and theater...

So I've been contemplating this award application that I have to turn in soon. I was up for it last year and received an honorable mention so I get to apply again. And I was looking through my writing from last year and this amazing thing hit me:

I want to rewrite my artist statement.

This might not sound like a big deal to everyone, but it is to me. My artist statement, while it's had revisions, deletions, and additions in the past, has been basically the same since I wrote it in late 2006. And I have believed whole heartedly in it every time I've turned it in for an application. But here I am, suddenly, in 2013, wanting to chuck most of it and rewrite!

This is both exciting and frightening, as the last one helped me receive lots of awards and fellowships. It was well written. I remember being incredibly inspired the day I did the first draft and I have felt so good about it.

But more importantly to the writing, what this means is, something changed for me this year about my theater making! And it's true, it has! Something clicked this year about the theater I do, why I do it, and re-envisioning my artistic purpose that has revitalized and deepened both my frame of mind and my work. What an exciting time!

I'll write more about it when I solidify the thoughts. But in the meantime you can read Anne Bogart:

Every 7 years they say that you're an entirely new person, all of your cells have changed. I believe it.


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